Project orders with the weclapp-ITscope interface
Gute Neuigkeiten für Nutzer der weclapp-ITscope-Schnittstelle: Ab sofort können Projektbestellungen über das ERP-System abgewickelt werden!
Gute Neuigkeiten für Nutzer der weclapp-ITscope-Schnittstelle: Ab sofort können Projektbestellungen über das ERP-System abgewickelt werden!
AI-optimized hardware, such as AI notebooks and PCs, could be the next big thing for system houses in the B2B sector. Or is it just good a marketing...
Trotz wirtschaftlicher Schwankungen und der Herausforderungen der Inflation bewies die ITK-Branche 2023 eine bemerkenswerte Widerstandsfähigkeit.
The fourth quarter of 2023 in the ICT sector was characterised by exciting new developments: The smartphone segment is booming.
Oliver Gorges, known as "Olli" or "Channel-Schorschi," has been promoted to Director of Sales & Marketing at ITscope.
With a focus on transparency and innovative solutions, ITscope continue to revolutionize the IT procurement process and simplify the ITK trade. Find...
Nach der erfolgreichen Einführung ihrer im Sommer neu konzipierten Produktportfolio berichtet ITscope von einem positiven Echo seitens der Kunden.
Find out how ITscope enables suppliers to provide ZUGFeRD invoices, enhancing efficiency in invoice management.
ITscope celebrated its 20th anniversary with a successful trade fair, showcasing the future of the IT industry and offering networking opportunities.
The forecasts for the third quarter were mixed: The ITscope analysis provides insights into the developments in the German-speaking B2B business.