Wecker: Täglich eine halbe Stunde sparen mit ITscope

23.9.2024 | Success Stories Gained half an hour every day: M IT's recipe for success with ITscope

What would you do with an extra half hour of work time each day?
Imagine being able to save 30 minutes every day – that adds up to 2.5 hours in a week, about 10 hours in a month, and an impressive 120 hours in a year. This isn't just a significant number; it's a substantial boost in productivity that you could invest in the growth of your business or the improvement of your services.

This is precisely what M IT-Systemhaus GmbH from Mühldorf am Inn has achieved. By integrating ITscope into their existing ERP system, weclapp, M IT optimizes daily recurring processes and saves valuable working hours in procurement. This success story not only demonstrates how effectively the right tools can be used but also serves as an inspiring example for other companies in the IT industry. In the following, we will explore how M IT realized this time savings and how your company can benefit as well.

M IT-Systemhaus: A regional player with an international reputation


When the company name itself grabs attention, it’s a sign that the founders got it right: The name M IT evokes associations with the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This name was chosen with a wink and has already brought unexpected connections to the company from Upper Bavaria. “People always perk up when you say you work at M IT,” says company founder Claus Uretschläger. “But we didn’t expect to receive a letter from Boston from the university,” he adds. Aside from this one-off incident, M IT mainly serves regionally based clients in the southeastern part of Germany.

Personalized support for SMEs and schools

M IT-Systemhaus GmbH offers tailored IT solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises as well as schools. Since its founding in May 2019, when M IT took over the IT division from another company and continued independently, the company has steadily expanded its offerings. Today, these include traditional system house services with hardware and software licenses, as well as comprehensive IT consulting as a partner of the ERP system weclapp. Claus Uretschläger places great importance on personal customer care. “Every customer has a dedicated contact person here,” he proudly reports.

The challenge: Manual processes af efficiency blockers

Before ITscope was introduced at M IT, the company struggled with inefficient processes. “Different employees created different articles,” explains Claus Uretschläger. “It took about three to four minutes per article.” This not only led to inconsistent item management but also impacted customer communication. The disorder was not only impractical but also time-consuming, as each item had to be handled individually. A streamlined workflow was needed. Another major issue was the immense time required for manual price comparisons and availability checks. Before integrating ITscope, each product had to be checked individually, which was not only laborious but also error-prone. These processes tied up resources that could have been used more effectively elsewhere.

Hidden costs due to separate orders

One issue that has continually troubled Claus Uretschläger was the unnecessary additional costs incurred from separate, uncoordinated orders with the same supplier. “One employee would place an order at 12 PM, another at 2 PM, and another at 4 PM, and suddenly we had three  orders with three sets of shipping costs,” explains the M IT founder. “Now, with ITscope automating everything and consolidating into a single shopping cart, I can place one single order for everything by the end of the day. This saves us a lot on shipping costs and significantly simplifies the processes,” Uretschläger explains.


M IT streamlines: Structured purchasing with ITscope

The introduction of ITscope proved to be a turning point for M IT. By automating item creation and ordering processes, the company was able to use its resources much more efficiently. “ITscope allows us to automatically synchronize and keep all item information up to date, which saves us a tremendous amount of time,” explains Claus Uretschläger. “With ITscope, we ensure that all employees have access to the same, always current data.”

Centralized data for clear decisions
ITscope provides a platform for price comparisons and availability checks. This allows M IT employees to compare products and prices in real-time. “Now we can see at a glance where products are available and at what price, and order directly from the system,” says Uretschläger. This direct integration of market data into the daily workflow not only optimizes the procurement process but also reduces sources of error and increases transparency for all parties involved.

Reduced shipping costs, greater overview: Increased efficiency in purchasing
By consolidating orders within the ITscope platform, M IT was able to significantly reduce shipping costs. Centralizing order management in shared shopping carts allows for bulk ordering, which not only provides logistical benefits but also strengthens the negotiating position with suppliers. “Now, with everything automated and a unified shopping cart, we save a lot on shipping costs and greatly simplify the processes,” explains Claus Uretschläger.


weclapp und ITscope: Seamless integration at M IT-Systemhaus


M IT-Systemhaus GmbH uses the ERP system weclapp to manage its business processes. The decision to integrate ITscope was made due to its extensive functionality and seamless integration with weclapp. The close partnership between the two companies enhances their compatibility and the resulting synergies. "Choosing ITscope was an obvious decision because weclapp and ITscope work perfectly together, ensuring maximum efficiency in our processes," explains Claus Uretschläger.


Features of the weclapp ITscope interface

The integration of ITscope into weclapp offers M IT a range of features that significantly simplify the purchasing process. Through the weclapp interface, M IT employees have direct access to comprehensive product information, prices, and availability from over 350 distributors with more than seven million products directly within ITscope. This allows, for example, the creation of quotes directly in weclapp and the automatic generation of orders without leaving the system. “These features greatly reduce our manual entries and improve the accuracy of our data,” emphasizes Uretschläger. Product information, such as product data from ITscope, can be viewed directly in weclapp through the interface, along with dynamic price and availability updates.



Personalized sSupport for a smooth implementation

The introduction of the weclapp interface to ITscope was facilitated by personalized support from ITscope. Claus Uretschläger reports: "A dedicated contact person thoroughly trained us, and after that, almost everything ran automatically." This specialized support guided M IT through all phases of setup and fine-tuning. The direct support ensured that the entire team could effectively use the new tools from the start. Uretschläger adds: "As long-time users and weclapp partners, we now know the system so well that onboarding is hardly necessary. We could configure everything ourselves." He concludes: "However, the support from ITscope was crucial to quickly and seamlessly integrate the system into our operations."


Measurable success: How M IT saves time and money daily with ITscope

itscope_reliable_badge“Through ITscope, we save half an hour of time every day,” explains Claus Uretschläger. “Sometimes more, sometimes less—depending on whether we’re selling more hardware or providing more consulting. But on average, I’d say it’s definitely half an hour a day.” This time savings results from the automation and simplification of processes, especially in item creation and order processing, as well as the integration of ITscope with the existing ERP system, weclapp. Using both systems in an integrated environment increases transparency and control over business processes, contributing to the overall improvement of operational performance at M IT.

Direct comparison with competitors: EGIS vs. ITscope

In exploring various systems, M IT also gained experience with EGIS. Claus Uretschläger, Managing Director of M IT, recalls: “We tested EGIS for a year but encountered challenges with integration with weclapp. Particularly problematic was the repeated creation of the same supplier multiple times, which led to significant additional effort in accounting.” Ultimately, these insights led M IT to return to ITscope, convinced of its reliability and user-centric approach.


Reboot for the B2B Shop? M IT Plans for the Future


After the initial attempt to establish the ITscope B2B shop did not achieve the desired customer acceptance, M IT plans to revisit this area in the future. "The online shop would have been the icing on the cake for us in terms of digitalization and efficiency improvement, but it was not well received by customers. We are considering trying again," explains Claus Uretschläger. This time, the company aims to learn from past experiences and develop new strategies to better engage customers and clearly communicate the benefits of the B2B shop.

Learning from M IT: A Call for Digital Transformation

The successful integration of ITscope into the weclapp ERP system has brought significant advantages to M IT, including daily time savings, cost reductions, and improved data quality. This success story serves as an inspiring example for other system houses that have yet to take the step towards digitalization and process optimization. "At M IT, we have not only gained efficiency through ITscope and weclapp but also strengthened our market position," summarizes Claus Uretschläger. By integrating ITscope into existing ERP systems, IT companies can seamlessly manage their purchasing and sales processes, optimizing daily work through automated workflows and sustainably improving competitiveness.

Learn more about ITscope and your ERP system

Are you ready to optimize your business processes and save costs at the same time? Find out more about how ITscope, together with your ERP system, can increase efficiency. Want to take the first step towards an optimized IT infrastructure? Then contact us directly!



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Claus Uretschläger is the CEO and co-founder of M IT-Systemhaus GmbH, specializing in IT consulting for small and medium-sized enterprises as well as schools. As a security expert, he also serves as a senior consultant at the ITSicherheit24 network.

M IT-Systemhaus GmbH operates successfully in the fields of IT services, consulting, and the sale of hardware and software in the southeastern Bavarian and Upper Austrian regions. With over 500 existing customers, around 200 IT projects annually, and partnerships with leading manufacturers and the ERP system weclapp, the company has established a solid reputation.

ITscope is a leading platform for IT procurement and distribution in the B2B sector. With over 8,500 active users, ITscope supports system houses, resellers, distributors, and manufacturers in digitizing their processes. The trading platform offers access to over 7 million items from manufacturers across Europe and enables comparison and purchasing from more than 350 suppliers.