
15.8.2024 | Platform Efficient contact management: the new functions on ITscope

Optimize your contact management with the new ITscope features. Discover improved functions and organized contacts for a more efficient workflow.

In your daily work routine, you often rely on the same contacts and addresses – whether it's for quotes or deliveries. An efficient contact management system is essential. That's why ITscope has updated the contact management feature on the platform. The new functions allow you to organize your contacts in a more intuitive and user-friendly manner. In this blog post, we will give you an overview of the key changes and show you how to effectively make use of them.

Key highlights at a glance

1. Companies and suppliers in the partner network

Discover companies and suppliers officially represented on ITscope in the new "partner network" section. This provides you with quick access to official partner information.


Discover companies represented on ITscope in the partner network section.

2. Personal contacts in address book

All your company and personal contacts can now be found in the "My address book" section. Here, you can categorize them into separate sections for better organization.

3. Enhanced Search Function

The improved global search function allows you to find your contacts quicker and more efficiently. All results will be displayed in the "My address book" section.

search function ITscope


The search function on ITscope now also includes contacts from your address book.

4. Separation of personal contacts and ITscope companies

By clearly separating your personal contacts from the official ITscope companies, you gain a better overview and can easily switch between different contacts.

5. Integration in sales and purchasing context

Contacts from "My address book" are now available in the sales and purchasing context as well. The contact dialogues have been adjusted accordingly to support your workflow.

Share your thoughts with us

We look forward to hearing your feedback on the new contact management system. Your input helps us continually improve our service and tailor it to your needs. Feel free to use the comment section below or email us with your suggestions. Your opinion is valuable to us and contributes to making ITscope even more user-friendly. Thank you for your support!


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