Price calculation: tutorial videos for useful ITscope features

Written by Eileen Müller | 20.5.2022

The price calculation function on the ITscope platform allows you to determine selling prices based on hierarchical pricing rules. In these videos, we show you how to set up pricing rules, how these rules are structured and how they affect other parts of the platform.

In previous tutorials, we showed you how to set up supplier accounts, optimise your shopping carts and place orders, and also went into detail about the various possible uses and features of the export function, the quote function and the product page. Please note: these videos are only available in German.

In the following videos, you will learn how to create price rules, which settings can be configured for price rules, how to calculate margins including rounding rules and the effects certain pricing rules have on your use of the ITscope platform.

Let's start with the first video, which gives you an introductory overview of the topic:

The bottom line counts: creating price rules

Various essential settings can be configured via the price calculation page: set your VAT rate, define how the margin should be calculated and round prices automatically. In addition, you can use a standard rule to apply a certain pricing rule to all prices for which no individual rule has been defined. 

Find out more about creating price rules in this Guide article.


Round up the price please! Margin calculation and rounding

Two options are available for calculating the margin. In the first case, the set percentage margin is added to the Wholesale Selling Price (WSP) you pay to procure the item. Alternatively, the margin can be calculated based on a Retail Price (RP), meaning the net RP is calculated in such a way that after deducting the WSP, the set percentage margin remains as your profit margin or trade margin. The rounding function can then be used to create visually appealing threshold prices on a gross or net basis.

Find out more about margin calculation and rounding in this Guide article.


Impact of using price calculation rules

With the help of price calculation rules, you can work even more efficiently and map your business processes much more accurately. Therefore, your settings within the price calculation also have an impact on other areas of the ITscope platform - find out which ones in the video:

Find out more about the impact of price calculation rules in this Guide article.


Do you have any further questions? You will find the right answer in our ITscope Guide. Our Support Team is also happy to assist you, under