Sales operations in small and medium enterprises: a strategic perspective
Erfahren Sie, wie Sales Operations in KMUs die Effizienz steigern und Vertriebsprozesse verbessern können und testen Sie die ITscope Angebotsfunktion.
Erfahren Sie, wie Sales Operations in KMUs die Effizienz steigern und Vertriebsprozesse verbessern können und testen Sie die ITscope Angebotsfunktion.
Discover how maxbenedikt GmbH embraced digital transformation, optimizing processes, redefining customer service, and standing out in the market.
Spring 2024 was full of IT innovations. The ITscope market barometer gives you a detailed insight into the trends around graphics cards, notebooks...
The netgo group and ITscope, established ITC players, realized a successful partnership in 3 months with sales worth millions in B2B shops.
Discover the latest additions to the ITscope platform in spring 2024, including new distributors from Germany and internationally.
Discover how system houses can increase their efficiency through innovation and automation by integrating ERP with ITscope.
Discover how SanData achieved a 36% revenue increase through digital transformation with ITscope.
Gute Neuigkeiten für Nutzer der weclapp-ITscope-Schnittstelle: Ab sofort können Projektbestellungen über das ERP-System abgewickelt werden!
AI-optimized hardware, such as AI notebooks and PCs, could be the next big thing for system houses in the B2B sector. Or is it just good a marketing...
Trotz wirtschaftlicher Schwankungen und der Herausforderungen der Inflation bewies die ITK-Branche 2023 eine bemerkenswerte Widerstandsfähigkeit.