
26.7.2023 | Platform ITscope2Dynamics integration for Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC now also for DYCE!

The ITscope2Dynamics app is now available specifically for Singhammer's DYCE solution. The ITscope2DYCE app has been designed to simplify your workflows and provide you with a smooth connection between Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC and ITscope.

Here, many operations have been included in the DYCE logic and interface, so you can use the ITscope2Dynamics integration together with DYCE without additional effort.

ITscope2DYCE offers the full functionality of ITscope2Dynamics and additionally supports the extensions that DYCE adds to Dynamics. The ITscope2DYCE interface connects your Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC with ITscope and thus offers you the possibility of an automatic item import as well as sending orders with one click directly from your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central!



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Discover the seamless integration capabilities of ITscope, not only with Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC but also with various other ERP systems. Simplify your workflows by automatically importing product data, prices, and more into your core system. With direct ordering from over 400 ITC suppliers, explore the extensive range of connected ERP systems available now.