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26.7.2023 | News Green IT at ITscope: How we merge sustainability and digitalization

Sustainability in the IT industry is more than just a trend – it is a responsibility towards our planet. But what does Green IT mean and how can innovation and environmental protection go hand in hand? Let's take a closer look through the lens of sustainability and discover how ITscope has seamlessly integrated sustainable information technology into our daily operations and strategy.

Saving electricity for a greener future

Data centers, servers, computers, and other IT systems consume significant amounts of electricity. A central aspect of Green IT is therefore to focus on energy efficiency. For example, energy-efficient hardware and software can save a lot of energy and reduce CO₂ emissions. Companies that reduce their CO₂ footprint in this way also save costs: sascha_enkea win-win situation for the environment and business. "We are pleased to have TelemaxX, our regional data center operator, as a partner who invests heavily in energy efficiency and sustainability," says Sascha Enke, Senior System Architect at ITscope. "For example, they are currently planning to install a solar system and a heat pump for heat recovery. We also keep the cooling temperature of our servers at around 30 degrees, which is 10 degrees higher than usual - this saves a lot of energy. In addition, we use virtualization technology that is efficient on various levels."


Saving resources for the planet

The availability of resources is limited, and the manufacturing process of new products consumes energy: two compelling reasons to carefully select and prolong the use of IT devices. This philosophy is deeply embedded in ITscope's approach. Sascha Enke shares, alexander_stikel"We use our hardware for as long as possible, as long as it meets current standards - such as WQHD resolution for monitors and good energy efficiency. We also utilize second-hand devices as long as they have a good energy label." Alexander Stikel, Junior Systems Engineer, adds, "Furthermore, we upgrade notebooks with new batteries and memory, maximizing their potential."

Recycling for a sustainable IT landscape

The life cycle of IT devices extends far beyond their office usage. Thanks to refurbishing and recycling, these devices can be reused or valuable resources can be recovered from them. "Hardware that is no longer functional is passed on to certified partners who either refurbish it or recycle it responsibly," explains Sascha Enke.

By the way, the ITscope platform also allows for comparing, ordering, and offering used hardware. These items are marked as "Refurbished."

Screenshot ITscope Refurbished

Refurbished items on the ITscope platform.

Maximizing Resources and Embracing Flexibility

ITscope understands the importance of resource conservation through flexible workspaces. By offering a home office option and virtual work environments, we reduce the need for physical workstations and hardware. This not only leads to a decreased consumption of energy and raw materials, but also optimizes space utilization. With fewer computers and office supplies, we contribute to a greener future and ensure efficient resource management.

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