Release Notes for Update 2022.27 - ITscope

Written by Felix Hippler | 7.7.2022

EPREL energy efficiency classes are now displayed in datasheets, furthermore there is an important notice regarding the renaming of CNET to 1WorldSync on our platform.

Note: we are currently preparing to rename CNET into 1WorldSync on our platform. With the next release, CNET should therefore no longer appear as a name on the platform. This also means that the name of this content provider will change in exports. If you relied on the name of the structure 'contentProvider' instead of the ID when importing, it is necessary to take this into account. The field name 'cnetId' remains unchanged in the export formats as it is an internal identifier.


  • Project orders from the manufacturer Kyocera for the distributor Systeam must now always specify an end licensee.
  • Contract term duration and billing information for cloud licences are now also output via the API 2.1 'standardUpdate' format.
