Eileen Müller

Stories by Eileen


Quote function

We demonstrate useful features of the ITscope platform quickly and understandably in the form of short video tutorials. This time round: the quote...


New listings in January 2022

In the final months of 2021, a total of six new suppliers have decided to become a part of the ITscope network.

Market analyses

ITscope Market Barometer Q4/2021

The new ITscope market barometer is here: read all about the current market developments concerning notebooks, smartphones, tablets and more!


Export function

We will show you the many possible uses of the export function and how to make the best use of it.

Market analyses

ITscope Market Barometer Q3/2021

The new ITscope market barometer is here: read all about the current market developments concerning notebooks, smartphones, graphics cards and more!


ITscope: the basics

In our basics on the ITscope platform, you will learn how to optimise your shopping baskets and trigger orders.