3 years B2B Suite: what our users are saying

30.8.2021 | B2B shop 3 years B2B Suite: what our users are saying

This August, the B2B Suite is celebrating its anniversary: for three years now, our eCommerce solution has been an integral part of the ITscope portfolio - and of course also an important part of many IT system houses’ offerings. We have therefore taken this year's anniversary as an opportunity to give them a chance to provide feedback.

What is the B2B Suite?
The B2B Suite enables you to sell directly to your customers digitally – without setting up complex shop systems. With the B2B Suite, customer-specific procurement portals can be created in the cloud with user-defined products, prices and CI elements – without any time-consuming in-house development efforts. This allows you to offer existing customers a fully-fledged eProcurement portal with electronic ordering and integrated approval processes, all from a single source. All parties involved can save valuable time, in addition to improving customer retention and increasing your sales revenue.

More than 50 companies are actively using the B2B Suite, some having started recently, others being on board since its introduction. We asked the operators what is going well with the B2B Suite and also, of course, how we can improve further. Here is the feedback we received:

The respondents particularly appreciate that the B2B Suite enables them to comprehensively simplify and accelerate their business sales, by significantly reducing manual effort. Effort is also reduced for their business customers, for example during the quotation and ordering process or when searching for products. Customer orders can also automatically be transferred to the company's own ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system - another factor that saves time.

And even if it sounds obvious: it is an immense advantage for system houses to be able to offer their customers the option to purchase ICT products online. Not only can additional sales be generated when customers find additional products or discover useful accessories that they would probably not request or find otherwise. The comprehensive search and filter functions are a real added value in customer service. All in all, this pays off for many of the respondents in the form of a high level of trust and strengthened customer loyalty.

"I've seen a lot of IT shops, but yours is by far the best!" Not only the system houses that use the B2B Suite are happy to receive feedback like this, but of course we are too. For almost all respondents, the feedback they receive from their customers in industry is consistently positive. They particularly praised the uncomplicated and fast usability, the clear structure of the individual product lines and the direct insight into product availability.  

Half of the respondents consider the technical effort and time required to initially set up the B2B Suite, as well as to use it day-to-day, to be absolutely reasonable. Around a third even describes this effort as being low, whereas the rest rate it as high.

The response is similar when it comes to the costs of the B2B Suite in relation to the benefits: here, too, half of the respondents consider the costs to be reasonable, 37 percent rate them as high and around 13 percent would even be prepared to pay more for the range of functions offered, describing the costs as low or very low.

Overall, more than 80 percent of the respondents were either satisfied or very satisfied with the B2B Suite. And this is also reflected in the recommendation rate: around 60 percent of respondents would be likely or very likely to recommend the B2B Suite to other system houses or IT service providers.

Perhaps also to you? Either way, we recommend that you take a closer look at our solution. If you would like to get to know the B2B Suite better, and find out which advantages it offers specifically for your company, then let us provide you with individual advice.

Or get an initial overview with our B2B Suite Guide. Here you will learn how to optimally integrate digital sales processes into your daily business and how to become a Managed Service Provider for Cloud eProcurement. Sounds exciting? Then request our Guide now!